Analyze Phase – using Six Sigma Measurements

Phase I – Analyze/Review Processes’ Performances for each Lot

Step 1

After entering the Work Order/Lot records, user can review the Work Order/Lot performance by using Six Sigma Measurements.


Tips: 1) The process has lowest Sigma Level is the weakest link.

2) If Sigma Level is less than 3.99 (Cpk <1.33), the process need to be improved.

3) Besides the DPMO, the Throughput Yield is also an import factor to look into.


Step 2

Print out the report and share it with the process owners to find out more improvement opportunities.


Step 3

Use the functions in the tool bar to email or fax the report and to share the information with others.


User can also use the functions in the tool bar to output the data to Excel or Word for further analysis.