Improve Phase – using Internal Corrective Action Request (ICAR)

Phase I- Issue/Follow up/Verify ICAR – Lot Level

Step 1

While entering Work Order/Lot records, user can enter the Internal Corrective Action Request info directly form the data entry form.


Step 2

After entering an ICAR number, the program will inspect if the given number has been used.


Note: The ICAR number has to be unique. User can use the Modify ICAR function to modify the existing ICAR.


Step 3

If user clicks Yes to continue, the Internal Corrective Action Request and Action Review form will be brought up.


Enter ICAR info accordingly.


Step 4

Click the ICAR Verification button to bring up corrective action review/verification form.


Enter data accordingly.

Step 5

After entering basic ICAR info, click the Review ICAR Report button to review, print or output the ICAR report in the ISO9000 format.