QIT Sigma Calculator

Step 1

1)      The default setting is Simple Mode.

2)      Enter the Total Opportunity and the Total Defect

3)      Click the Calculate button.

4)      The program will calculate the DPMO, Yield, Cpk and the Z value/Sigma Level 

Step 2

Click the Review Report button to review, print and output the results.

Step 1b

1)      Click the Advanced Mode

2)      Enter the Total Defects, Opportunity/unit, and Total Defect

3)      Click the Calculate button.

4)      The program will calculate the DPU, DPMO, Throughput Yield, Cpk, Z value and the Sigma Level.


Tips: Please note the differences between Yield and Throughput Yield.


Yield=1- (Total Defect)/Total Opportunity


Yield tp= e^(-DPU)


Step 2

Click the Review Report button to review, print, or output the results.

Step 1c

  I.      Click the Multi-step Process tab

II.      Enter the data for each process step.

III.      Click the Calculate button.

IV.      The program will calculate the DPMO, Yield tp and Sigma Level for each process step, and calculate the DPMO, Rolled Throughput Yield and the Sigma Level to summarize all the steps.



Step 2c

Click the Review Report button to review, print, or output the results.