Import Data from Excel

Step 1

Upload dataset from Excel:

Open the template named SS_Calcualtor.xls under C:\QITConsulting\ SS_Calcualtor.xls


Step 2

Enter the data to the template accordingly.

Then Save and Close the Excel file.


Step 3

In the Calculator, click the Import Mode function.


Step 4

Under the Import Mode, click the Import from Excel button.


Step 5

Select the Excel file that contains the dataset.


Then click the Open button.


Step 6

Give this dataset a name. Then click the OK button.


Step 7

Now, the dataset can be found in the drop down list.

Click the Calculate button, system will calculate the Yield tp, Sigma and Cpk for this dataset.


Step 8

Click the Review Report button to preview, print or output the results.


Tip: If user wants to combine the new dataset to an old dataset, give the new dataset the same name as the old one.